
Get your clients better, faster.

Expand your knowledge on functional anatomy as it pertains to soft tissue.

Increase your ability to assess soft tissue quality, density, and mobility.

Learn to combine tissue manipulations with multi-planar tissue tensioning.

Earn your ExoArm Infrared Heat Sleeve in our EA Basics course and learn the benefits of infrared heat.

Become an expert of tissue management and leave a lasting impression on your clientele.

Take our ExoArmer Basics I online course and receive your ExoArm Therapeutic Heat Sleeve today.

EAM Basics

EAM Basics Seminar - ExoArmer Therapy

Intro to the ExoArmer Method

Level 1

In this online course we will visit the fundamentals of the ExoArmer TRUST technique and discuss concepts of Point of Contact, Line of Drive, Depth of Pressure, Proper Body Mechanics, Anatomical attachment points, Muscle fiber alignment and how to identify and passively release over fifty soft tissue structures.

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(Level 1 prerequisite)

  • A continuation of Level 1, Level 2 will introduce the application of heat and sustained tension to the tissues being manipulated. Level 2 will challenge the therapist to apply tension through the process they learned in Level 1. Whole-body.

*ExoArm Kit includes 1 sleeve, 1 heating element, 2 batteries, 1 charger, and a carrying case.

Learn directly from the ExoArmer Team in our in-person course.

EAM Staple

EAM Staple Seminar - ExoArmer Therapy

+EAM Basics Level 1 and 2 prerequisite.
(Either course below can be taken first)

Upper Body With Dynamic Tension

  • Introduces the concept of applying heat and sustaining tension on the soft tissues while moving them through their range of motion. The course will cover the back and neck, and the upper extremities from the shoulders to the hands.

Lower Body With Dynamic Tension

  • ​In this course, the therapist will learn how to apply sustained tension and heat to the tissues while moving the limbs of the lower extremity through their range of motion. The course will cover the lower extremities from the hips to the feet.

EAM Advanced

EAM Staple Seminar - ExoArmer Therapy

Advanced – Joint Specific

  • For those who want a deeper understanding of The ExoArmer Method of Manual Therapy . In particular, the refinement and the nuances of the TRUST Technique and how to apply the protocols to your patients injuries. Mastery of this level will separate the mediocre therapist from the extraordinary. The EAM Advanced course includes the remainder of the method not covered in EAM Basics/Staple. The therapist will learn how to evaluate the soft tissues around the major joints of the body, recognize common injuries, as well as create and execute a treatment plan. Whole body.

Course Dates – COMING SOON

Courses limited to 12 students.

Each course is two (2) days. Friday & Saturday from 10-5pm. Lunch will be served.

Live courses are hands-on. Upon completion of the EAM Basics/Level 1, the student will be certified as an “ExoArmer Therapist” and will be placed in our network of providers.

Location for each course: Palos Verdes Penninsula, CA 90274 (located 12 miles south of LAX International Airport)